Friday, June 1, 2007

why laws make sense

So, apparently, Nicole Ritchie is still out there putzing around on the road despite her DUI conviction in December 2006. To put this in "star perspective," Paris Hilton's license was revoked a mere 5 months after her DUI convinction in September 2006.

What separates Nicole and Paris? Well, Paris was driving under the influence of alcohol and therefore her license was suspended automatically and she will begin to serve a 23 day sentence on Monday (not the 45 day legal minimum, but a sentence nonetheless). Nicole was driving under the influence of Vicodin and pot, which does not incur the mandatory alcohol suspension.

Wait, pot? Yes, you read correctly. Nicole was in possession of an illegal substance in a combination that is likely far more dangerous to others. Not only is she not in jail, she's still allowed to drive. WTG, war on drugs!

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